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The Duke's MasterClass on Sales

The Duke's MasterClass on Sales


This course will help you identify and deploy tested and trusted skills and strategies that will help enable you connect with HNIs and sell to them.

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Expiry period 6 Months
Made in English
Last updated at Fri Dec 2023
Total lectures 5
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 02:47:12 Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description This course will help you identify and deploy tested and trusted skills and strategies that will help enable you connect with HNIs and sell to them.
  • Learn to view your unique personality as a tool to influence your sales activities
  • Identification of your niche and prospecting for clients
  • Value creation for your client
  • Specific strategies salespeople (you) can adopt in ensuring generation of significant income from within your target market
  • Tips, 'tricks', and strategies to identifying, establishing, and managing relationships with HNIs to help you achieve your objective
  • Handling objection and rejection and why persistence is key to achieving sales closure
  • Organising your contacts for accessability
  • Willingliness to sell.