We envision a world where anyone, anywhere, can transform their lives through easy access to qualitative, actionable and impactful learning opportunities for personal and professional growth.

We believe that Nigeria can be a leading economy within the next 10 years if the potentials of our talented youths are harnessed.

We are committed to transforming the way people learn and how education is delivered, making learning accessible, engaging, and meaningful for Nigerian learners, and learners across Africa and the world.

We provide Unlimited and Unhindered access to learning for anyone, anywhere to learn at any time. Fulfilling Goals - Providing the resources to help people fulfill their Ambitions and achieve their goals.

To provide high-quality, accessible, and affordable online learning to people all over the world.

To be the leading edtech company in Africa, providing world-class education to everyone who wants it.

We Provide In-person capacity building – we offer trainings and capacity building workshops at our facilities, at your facilities both in Nigeria and outside the country.

eLearning - We provide Engaging Video lessons, Live Video Classes, and Real Time Discussions with Instructors and several adaptive learning options. Our platform provides Verifiable and Shareable course certificates which students automatically generate from our platform. Each Course on our platform has a virtual Forum – This gives a feeling of Cohort learning. Course Noticeboard for virtual announcements, Offline learning via the THRIVE Mobile Apps – iOS and Android, Integrated ZOOM Live classes, Optional Timed exams / tests, Analytics to review participants’ learning patterns and much more.

Retreats and Study Tours - We anchor and facilitate company retreats and Study tours to assist with learning immersion.

We are a Corporate Member of the prestigious Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM).

Benefits to Learners:

  • High-quality instruction from experienced instructors
  • Affordable and accessible online courses
  • Variety of courses to choose from
  • Automated Support services for students
  • Innovative and constantly improved learning materials

THRIVE is Empowering people to acquire new skills for SELF IMPROVEMENT and CAREER ADVANCEMENT; Helping individuals and companies to ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS by creating access to Flexible Learning; in your own space, at your own pace.


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