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Finding Your Life Purpose 2 (Life Planning for Fulfilling Purpose)

Gbubemi Atimomo

Fri, 21 Feb 2025

Finding Your Life Purpose 2  (Life Planning for Fulfilling Purpose)

After you have begun your self- discovery process, you need to sit down and plan your life around your identified purpose. You will need to ensure that your future actions revolve around your plan for your life.


Plan, Plan, Plan!!! All building projects first start with a blueprint. This shows the design of the building and all the intricate details that are required for the building. With the blueprint, the builder knows what materials he needs to ensure the building is brought to reality.


You need to sit down and structure your expectations; prepare your life plan. At the end of your life what would you have achieved? This stage builds on the foundation of self discovery.


In preparing your life plan, you need to focus on the following broad areas. An awareness of these areas will help point you in the direction of achieving your purpose


  • Physical & Health: what are your plans for maintaining physical fitness and managing your health? What activities would you engage in to increase your chances of remaining in good health?


  • Spiritual: how do you connect with your maker? What would you to do maintain spiritual and life balance? Have you considered meditation and journaling?


  • Career & Vocation: what plans do you have to improve your knowledge and skills? In which areas would you focus on becoming an expert? How would you share the knowledge you acquire?


  • Finance & Investment: what are your plans for making money to support your life and lifestyle? How will you manage your income?


  • Family & Social: how would your family be structured? What are your long-term plans for your partner and children? Have you identified how they can support your purpose?


  • Contributory: what plans do you have to support your local community? How would you make your impact felt in the world?



And thou wilt give thyself relief, if thou doest every act of thy life as if it were the last.

Marcus Aurelius


After you have spent some time thinking through the different aspects of your life, it is not time to pursue your vision and bring it to life.


  1. You need to seek opportunities for advancement. Take charge for your life. Use your initiative. Seek problems to solve!


  1. Take calculated risks: To get results that will propel your life, you must be prepared to take risks. Assess every situation at hand, and then decide on what to do. It is very important that you take action, or else, nothing will happen.


  1. Be an innovator: seek for ways to do the ordinary in new and easier ways.


  1. Improve your skills. Basic life skills such as communication skills and writing skills are very important in the world today. Find out what skills you need to excel in life and develop these skills.


  1. Develop a positive mind set that sees all things as possible. This doesn’t mean you wont have setbacks, rather it means that you will always seek the good ine every situation.


  1. Expand your network. Cultivate mutually beneficial relationships. Give and contribute to your relationships. If your network isn’t being productive for you, then change your contacts.


  1. Embrace self development. Constantly seek for ways to enhance your knowledge. Invest in tapes, books, CD’s. Attend trainings, seminars and courses that will enhance your effectiveness at work.


My mother said to me, "If you become a soldier, you'll be a general; if you become a monk, you'll end up as the Pope." Instead, I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.

Pablo Picasso



In living a life of significance, after all is said and done, remember that your purpose is greater than you, so you must strive to live a life of significance and make impact. What is the good in going through life, amassing wealth for self and making no contributions to the world.


The purpose of life is a life of purpose.

Robert Byrne


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