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Gas Pricing Mechanism

Gas Pricing Mechanism


Gas Pricing Mechanism

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Fri Dec 2023
Total lectures 13
Total quizzes 4
Total duration 05:22:50 Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 1
Avg rating
Short description Gas Pricing Mechanism
  • Definitions and the Uniqueness of Gas
  • Origins, Exploitation & Composition
  • The Natural Gas Value Chain
  • Pipeline Gas (PNG), Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) & Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
  • Commercial Framework Principles of Natural Gas Value Chain
  • Factors Affecting Natural Gas Price
  • The importance of Low Cost Gas Price & a Market based Pricing Mechanism for GBIs
  • The Rationale Behind The 2008 Gas Policy and Pricing Framework
  • Economic Principles for Pricing
  • Factors affecting Natural Gas Prices (External & Internal)
  • The Evolution of the LNG Market
  • Pricing Dichotomy between Export Price for Gas & the Domestic Gas Price
  • The Theory of Natural Monopolies
  • The Theory of Contestable Markets
  • The Role of the Aggregator
  • Procedure of Gas supply
  • Basic knowledge of oil and gas.